Monday 2 March 2015

SAF 44: Reflection

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How to be a Good Leader?

What is a leader? Is it someone who orders others around or maybe someone who initiates and inspires others? In your opinion can we consider our current world leaders as a true leader or not? Here are the list of traits that we consider that a good leader should possess. 


A selfless leader is someone who has little or no concern for oneself especially with regards to fame, position, money and or any other thing but willing to surrender anything for the sake of othersThis trait is essential because selfless leaders must think for the improvement of others rather than the contentment and richness of oneself. 

Good communicator
Communication is the most important key to great leadership being able to explain the goal/plan to your team will lead to success. Remember in communication listening and speaking are both important, good leaders shares their idea at the same time they should listen to their team.  If you want to be successful, leader and members should learn the art to clear communication. To become a great leader is to be a great communicator. 

-        Committed
Commitment is the dedication of someone who works very hard to do something. It is very important for a leader to be committed to their task in order to be successful. Leaders should show to their team that they are committed, should work hard and be a good example for them to be motivated and work hard too.  By proving to your team that you are committed you will earn their trust and respect that will lead to good relationship. 

        Gives Credit 
Giving credit or praising a specific person for his or her job well done is one of the traits that a good leader should possess. Not only does praising boost the confidence of your workers but it also shows that you, as their leader, appreciate the effort that they have exerted in order to achieve that goal and/or outcome. According to Carol Dweck’s research entitled A Study on Praise and Mindsets, she stated that praising someone using the right words helps them focus on a mindset about the growth of their talent so that they won’t disappoint the person who praised them.

-        Inspires People
A good leader does not only work for the sake of monetary reasons and fulfillment but they should also keep in mind that they need to impart their knowledge and inspire the people around them.  As a good leader, it is part of their responsibility to give their fellow workers an overview on how to become an inspirational leader. An example of a leader who inspired the future generations is Nelson Mandela who not only fought against racism and led his people to democracy but he also gave his nation hope in order for them to look forward the future. 

Not only these characteristics help ensure the trust that your workers placed on you, but it also helps you, as an individual to grow with decent traits and values.

-- Collantes, Bryan , Domingo,Micah, Gabayan, Marielle

Saturday 31 January 2015

Dream Girl: Review

A Dream Girl by Carl Sandburg is about a man who longs for the girl in her imagination, he hopes for the girl to come and be with him in a right time and right place with the exact characteristic he imagined. The persona however worries if that day will still come or if they’ll just pass each other just looking into their each one’s eyes. The poem for me is kind of sad, because the persona do not know if the one he loves will love him too or if they will even have a chance to meet each other. He describes her as a girl tender as a dew, sudden as a rain, with a tan skin, has a pose full of grace, with slim but expressive arms and with moods as delicate as the sky. 

The persona loves his dream girl even if she is not perfect and despite the fact that she may not exist, and for me this is a perfect example of a true love. Loving someone you don’t know takes courage because you need to surrender everything like your beliefs emotions and sometimes even your dreams. If only everyone will be as faithful as the persona there would never be sadness, but sometimes we need to experience sadness to be able to recognize true happiness. 

In my opinion his current situation is really hard, because I was once like him. I have always imagined a girl with a smile that would brighten up even the darkest part of my soul, chingky eyes that would make her prettier, and a personality that cheers even the loneliest man. At first, you would not realize time passing by but the moment you encounter her time slows down every second would feel like hours you will treasure every moment you spend with her and capture in your memory her sweet smiles. Love is a feeling that even science can not explain, love is so weird that in comes in different shapes, sizes or colors. You can not also reason out why you love someone because love works in manner that even your own brain can’t decipher. As long as you love someone you will wait for them even if it takes them forever. Love can’t be rushed because loving someone takes time and effort. Loving is not easy, because in love giving is a must without expecting anything in return. True love is so powerful it can even change a person because loving someone means giving them all your best. Meeting your dream girl is not possible but meeting the right girl is. A right girl is obviously not as good as your dream girl but in the end you’ll not even care because you love that girl too much to let go and find someone better. In life we just need to appreciate little things to see their best part.

-- Collantes, Bryan

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove,
That Valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods, or steepy mountain yields.

And we will sit upon the Rocks,
Seeing the Shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow Rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing Madrigals.

And I will make thee beds of Roses
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of Myrtle;

A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty Lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;

A belt of straw and Ivy buds,
With Coral clasps and Amber studs:
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me, and be my love.

The Shepherds’ Swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May-morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me, and be my love.

The passionate shepherd to his love is one of the poems written by Christopher Marlowe, an English dramatist. The poem describes how the shepherd wants the woman to live with him and be his love. The man is willing to give everything just to get the woman; but instead of giving her things money can buy the shepherd offers her gift from nature. The scenery from the rural country is what he offers to make her happy.

Since the poem uses the rural settings the poem is considered a pastoral poem. The poem beautifies the life of a shepherd who bears a hard life in the country side and cannot offer material things like gold, diamonds and jewelries.

The poem shows how passionate the shepherd is. He is excited to tell what he will do or give to the woman if she accepts him as a lover and live with him.

The poem is inspiring, it shows that there is still a man who will do such thing, a man who don't have a lot of money but still offers beautiful things because now a days it's hard to find someone like that. Today courtships are done through text and social networking site unlike in the poem there is personal interaction.

-- Gabayan, Marielle

The Truth about Forever: Review

The Truth about Forever 
by Sarah Dessen

Plot Summary: Macy Queen is a teenage girl whose life only revolves around studying, helping her mother’s work and pleasing her idealist boyfriend.
When her boyfriend, Jason Tabot, went to attend Brain Camp to spend his summer, Macy, on the other hand, was stuck doing library works Jason left her (she’s actually compelled to do it since she did not want to disappoint her boyfriend. Ugh.) together with two coworkers, who are both oozing with hatred and superiority complex, in the morning and working with the Wish Catering – a group of crazy individuals, which consists of consists of Delia, Bert, Kristy, Monica, and Wes, at night.

Wish Catering, most especially Wes, helped her realize that life will not be complete without a dash of chaos. Wes brought out the grief that Macy’s been holding in ever since her father died and because of this Macy felt really grateful, not just for the companionship but also for giving herself a chance to enjoy what being a teenager really is.
Unfortunately, Macy’s mother, Deborah Queen, saw how her once perfect daughter change because of the Wish’s staff that’s why she decided to sever Macy’s ties with the Wish Catering by grounding her for the rest of the summer.
Macy then reverted back to her regular lifestyle which is to study for college, do the normal routine, and help her mother until the night of the grand opening gala for the new townhouses came. The night before the gala is a disaster but eventually, Wish catering came to help and assisted, making the event very successful. Since then, her mother’s view on Wish changed and Macy finally realized certain amount of things like one would not be able to enjoy life without a little bit of disorganization, forever is happening, and She and Wes are totally in love with each other.  

The Truth! : The Truth about Forever is an interesting book to read especially when you, as the reader, are looking for a light romance novel.

It doesn’t actually contain too much cheesy parts but seriously, even the phrase ‘I love you’ brought the Macy, the protagonist, despair when she wrote those three words to Jason (actually when I read that Jason and Macy’s relationship lasted for a year and a half, I was like, ‘Seriously?! Why the heck did you not realize sooner that your relationship isn’t going to work?!’) But still the wheels of fate turned, Macy got the love she deserved from Wes and everybody’s happy, except for Jason that is.

Going back to the topic, the book not only revolves around a girl and a guy going brouhaha over trivial matters but it is also about family. Actually everything started because of what happened in Macy’s family! When her dad died, Macy and the rest of the family members got depressed. Macy got herself a boyfriend which she thought is someone who can organize her life back to normal, her mother, Deborah Queen overworked herself, giving Macy a hard time to release her locked away feelings while her sister, Carolyn Queen, married at an early age which resulted to lack of communication.

Why is it entitled The Truth about Forever? Well if you guessed that it’s related to Wes’ and Macy’s love story, well you are partially right. Actually it was not thoroughly discussed but Kristy, one of Wish’s staff, enlightened Macy about what this forever with the words, “It all depends on how you choose to live it. It’s like forever, always changing.”

-- Domingo, Micah

The Little Match Girl: Review

The Little Match Girl by Jerry Pinkney

This story is about a young girl who was very poor. On the night before the New Year, she was trying to sell matches to people. The merchants or anybody else wouldn't want to buy it. There was nobody there to help her. She was longing the warmth of home but she can't come home because she thinks that her father would beat if he finds out that she hadn't sold any matches and it was also cold in their house because they only had a roof. Many would relate to the character in this story. The people who experienced pain, hunger, loneliness and longing of love and to be loved. 

This story by Hans Christian Andersen was the first story I read as a child that made me feel blessed, lucky, and loved. Many of the children today is experiencing what the main character felt. Especially now that many families around the world are experiencing poverty and not able to provide good shelters for their families, good food and clothes that would protect them from the harsh weather conditions. Feeling cold, in pain, hungry and seeing that there was no one there to help them in any way that they can. This story even though I was an eight year old and don't understand much deeper sense about things that time when I read it, this story opened my eyes. It made me see the truth about society and how not everyone is blessed to be given a warm home that we could always come back to, food to eat when we are hungry, comfortable clothes that would keep us war in cold days and many other primary needs. 

In this story, this little girl had suffered so much that she was willing to come with her grandmother in heaven. It only tells us that we should not be afraid of dying. It is not always terrible and sad. Sometimes, it's also comforting, beautiful and happy. That after everything you've been through, and after a long time of pain and struggle, you get to finally rest with the other loved ones of yours who left earlier than you did. You get to experience an endless happiness. No more pain. No more hunger. No more cold.

You would see here that there is always hope. The author of this book poured a lot of emotions writing this beautiful literary piece. He opened a lot of eyes, taught a lot of minds and touched a lot of hearts with this story. Even if you read it again and again, you would still remember the pain the girl suffered before she was with her grandmother like it was just the first time you've read it. And it always feels like the first time when you felt the comfort when she had already obtained peace.
I would say that this is one of the many favorites i have. Why you say? Because here, even though I have not experienced this kind of hardships in life before, I felt it. I felt sad. I could literally put myself in her shoes and feel how hard she was doing. Living with no love and having to deal with it every waking hour. Or wanting simple things and could not just get it because you can't afford it. All the settings feel so surreal that you could literally feel how cold it was that day when she was selling those matches. This story is a really good story. Thought it is sad, you will realize and contemplate about so many things including life, how blessed and lucky you are nit having to experience with this kind of struggles and hardships. Or if you are experiencing this kind of pain, always keep in mind that there would always be a happy place for you. That somewhere along the bumps in life there is a straight road leading to the light. Where you would always feel happy.

-- Solis, Angela

Much Ado about Nothing: Review

Much Ado about Nothing by William Shakespeare talks about two love stories. One formal romantic relationship between the Governor of Messina’s daughter named Hero and a soldier named Claudio. And another couple who follows the famous quote of “the more you hate, the more you love”. 

The play starts when Don Pedro, prince of Aragon, came back from winning a war against his illegitimate brother, Don John who has now reluctantly joined him. Don Pedro then came to visit Leonato, the Governor of Messina and also brought with him his two officers, Claudio and Benedick. When they arrived, Claudio falls in love with Hero while Benedick and Beatrice, the niece of Leonato, continue their war of witty insults. Later on, Claudio confessed his love to Hero and took her hand in marriage. And so, in one week, they are to be married. And to pass the time before their wedding, the lovers and their friends decided to play a game. They want to get Benedick and Beatrice to fall in love with each other. From the beginning, they both denied that they would ever marry anyone, let alone marry one another. The tricks of their friends worked and so the two did fall in love with each other, secretly. But of course,  a story would be boring if there is no obstacle. And so, Don John, got in the way of happiness of everyone.

He framed Hero by bringing Cladio to watch his companion, Borachio and Margaret, the serving woman of Hero, make love in the darkness of the night through the window. With this, Claudio believed that Hero was unfaithful to him and abandoned her on their wedding day at the altar. And so, Hero’s family members decided to pretend that she died of shock and grief hiding her away while they wait for the truth about her innocence to come to light. After the rejection, Benedick and Beatrice confessed their love to one another. But as they say, no secrets can stay forever a secret. Someone overheard Borachio’s crime and the heads of the local police arrested him. Eventually, Hero was proven innocent and Claudio believing that she is dead, grieves for her. As punishment, Leonato told Claudio that he wants him to marry his “niece”, someone who looked like Hero herself. And so, Claudio goes to church with the other, preparing to marry the masked woman. When Claudio found out that Hero was the woman under the mask, he rejoiced. Then and there, Benedick asked Beatrice for her hand in marriage and after arguing, they agreed. And so, they celebrated their double wedding.

I like this play because it gives so much emotion. May it be 
sad, happy, or heartbreaking. William Shakespeare’s works never fail to bring out the emotions of his readers. This play is also considered one of the best comedies. This story did not have a tragedy like Romeo and Juliet yet it is still as beautiful and this is why I love it,

-- Calma, Kamille